In Honor of Indigenous Peoples Day.
In honor of the generations of Indigenous ancestors that came before us and have led the way, In honor of all who struggled and suffered, In honor of the people whose land we are on, in honor of our own existence and the next seven generations, we rematriate land.
We work towards restoring sacred relationships with Indigenous people and their ancestral land.
We work towards cultural regeneration, reciprocity and restoration.
We work towards creating opportunities for all people to contribute to the healing of our history, this planet and our relationships with all of our relatives on it.
As this world continues to change we have an opportunity to make new choices about how we will live in this place.
Listen to the Earth, Rematriate the land.
Amazing art by by Britt Newton (aka @Holoske), Mvskok (Muscogee Creek)
[ID: An Indigenous woman is laying against the earth, listening. Her skin is a dark acorn color and she is wearing a dentillum and abalone earring and abalone ring. She is at the edge of a waterway surrounded with tule and cattails, there is a walkway, meadow with figures in various activities, expanse of oak trees a city rising behind her, and mountains in the distance. The sky is a pink to violet gradient of a rising sun which is reflected on the water. The words read Listen to the Earth, Rematriate the Land}