Support of the rematriation of Rinihmu Pult’irekne at City Council on December 12, 2023!
While access to the land formerly known as Sequoia Point was returned through the cultural easement, many of our activities are restricted by the zoning of the area.
The resolution will amend the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the land return in Joaquin Miller Park for our next phase, allowing us to engage in cultural activities and land restoration without a zoning change.
Contact the Community and Economic Development Committee (CED) and let them know you are in support!
Sample: “We support Sogorea Te Land Trust int he resolution to amend the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) at Rinihmu Pulte-irekne, the land return in Joaquin Miller Park.”
Community Economic Development Committee (CDE)
Kevin Jenkins, (510) 238-7006, District6@oaklandca.gov
Carol Fife, District 3, (510) 238-7003, District3@oaklandca.gov
Noel Gallo, District 5, 510-238-7005, Ngallo@oaklandca.gov
Dan Kalb, District 1: (510) 238-7001, dkalb@oaklandca.gov
Attend City Council in person or online
Comment your support!
12/12/2023, 1:30 pm City Council Chamber, 3rd Floor
Agenda #5
You can also comment online.
More Information
Full City Council Legislation can be accessed here.
Thank you!