In the heart of deep East Oakland, Lisjan is a traditional village site and the first piece of land rematriated by Sogorea Te’ within the territory of Huchiun.

Lisjan is home to the first arbor, a Californian Native ceremonial space, in this territory in over 250 years; a symbol of Ohlone peoples’ resistance and strength in the face of colonial adversities. Here we operate out of a standard sized shipping container named Jakelin, in memory and honor of Jakelin Caal Maquin, a a seven-year-old Qʼeqchiʼ (Guatemalan) that passed away unjustly while in custody of US border patrol.

“Every time I plant a seed, I say a prayer. We have a great responsibility to these seeds and how we plant them.”
Johnella LaRose, Co-Founder/Director of Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
At Lisjan, we cultivate traditional and medicinal plants such as sage, tobacco, mugwort, soap root along with a variety of fruits and vegetables. It is also the location of our first Himmetka emergency response hub. We have a rain water catchment system with over 5,500 gallons of potable water storage.

“I really feel connecting with the land is healing for everybody. It’s not just, oh we’re Native people, we’re close to the land, we have this spiritual connection: everybody has a spiritual connection, but it’s been lost.”
Johnella LaRose, Co-Founder/Director of Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
This quarter acre site was gifted to Sogorea Te’ Land Trust by Planting Justice after they returned from Standing Rock and asked how they could support Indigenous peoples here in Oakland.

Our work at Lisjan and at each site is for the future of Indigenous youth.
Himmetka: In One Place, Together
Getting Ready Together Our Himmetka program develops community resiliency centers to prepare for natural and human-made emergencies and mitigate the impacts of climate change.…
Cultural Revitalization
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