Our First House!

In late August 2020 we had a unique opportunity to purchase a home with a 14 day timeline to raise $750,000. We have been dreaming of housing for urban Indigenous people. We had to try. So we put out a call for support. Help us rematriate a house.
With the help of hundreds of people sharing posts and organizing and offering matches and allies making donations ranging from two dollars to two hundred thousand dollar, with the support of decades of grassroots organizing and centuries of Indigenous brilliance, we were able to meet our goal ahead of the deadline. We raised the money.
We bought our first house.
This is the first land in the territory completely held by our trust. This is one the first step to establishing permanent affordable places for urban Indigenous people to live and thrive in the Bay Area. This is ours. And we did it with you. Thank you.
The house was recently given its Chochenyo name, Ištune, which means dream.
Now theres plans to make and repairs to get to and dreaming to do about this place and all it can be and how to house all the matriarchs and elders and families and babies and community with sustainable systems like solar and water catchment and gardens and much more.
Spread the word, Tell your friends. The Rematriate the Land Fund is open.*
*Houses and/ or Land also accepted.