Every year Sogorea Te’ speakers present to thousands of people about work, the history of the land, rematriation, and more to groups, organizations and students of all levels and a broad spectrum of society at schools, conferences, community events and online forums.
If you are interested in requesting a Sogorea Te’ Speaker, please fill out our Inquiry Form telling us a little more about your request. Requests should be submitted at least 1 (one) month in advance and through this form to help us determine if anyone is available.
Request Guidelines
All requests are requests for Indigenous labor
(and so are many offers and opportunities too).
We appreciate opportunities to engage with different communities and share our work. At the same time, many of us experience constant requests for our time, our energy, for culturally extractive information, and unreciprocated labor.
These Tips for engaging were collectively created by our team:
Please Be Respectful. A lot of the work we do is related to healing and historic harm, presenting the history of colonization and genocide is not easy. We are not a clearinghouse of free information about these things. We are not a checkbox or a cultural display. We are not something you can extract from. Don’t consume us. Engage with us.
Please pay Indigenous people real honorariums, especially if you are connected to corporations and institutions. And then get those Institutions and corporations to pay Shuumi Land Tax. If you dont have any funding, consider organizing a fundraising effort and coming back with your request in a couple months.
Give us a minute to respond. We are navigating many requests and engage specific processes for decision making. Please refrain from contacting us through Sogorea Te’ members personal social media or via their family and friends for organizational requests.
Please review our full How to Come Correct Invitation
Fall Media Fellowship
Amazing opportunity to get experience and support in media work including photography, design, documentation, storytelling, event planning, print media, social media, and more with Sogorea Te’ Land Trust’s creative team. We are looking for self identified Indigenous / Native People engaged in creative work in the Bay Area. Experience in visual art, design, and cultural…
To request a member of Sogorea Te’ Land Trust for an event, conference, or interview please use our Inquiry Form, including as much information as possible, including who, what, where why, dates/times/etc, 2-4 weeks in advance.
We navigate a large number of requests and aren’t able to accommodate everyone. Don’t call us we’ll call you 😉